Monday, January 22, 2018

Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza


The author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo, as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform themselves and their lives. Becoming Supernatural marries some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life.

Readers will learn that we are, quite literally supernatural by nature if given the proper knowledge and instruction, and when we learn how to apply that information through various meditations, we should experience a greater expression of our creative abilities; that we have the capacity to tune in to frequencies beyond our material world and receive more orderly coherent streams of consciousness and energy; that we can intentionally change our brain chemistry to initiate profoundly mystical transcendental experiences; and how, if we do this enough times, we can develop the skill of creating a more efficient, balanced, healthy body, a more unlimited mind, and greater access to the realms of spiritual truth.

My Review:

I have been reading books on mindfulness, meditation and self-improvement for several years now and am always looking for the next book that will take my learning to the next level and this book definitely does that.  

Dr. Dispenza has several other books out, though I have only read Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.  I loved that book so much that I have actually read it at least 5 times, if not 6, so when I saw that he had released a new book, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it and it certainly did not disappoint.

In this book, he builds on the concepts from his other books and includes stories of students from his advanced workshops, as well as actual brain scans of participants so the reader can see the changes.  He leads us through meditations that help release blocked energy and backs his claims with scientific evidence - not just anecdotal.  

There is a lot of quantum physics but he breaks it down in a way that is understandable even to the most unscientific.  That being said, it is still some pretty heavy-duty stuff and I would advise reading it slowly.

I enjoyed the different meditations he included at the end of many chapters, as well as the actual scans of the changes in students' brains before, during, and after the advanced workshops.  Including this gives the reader concrete evidence that what Dr. Dispenza is teaching actually works.  Buddhist monks and many other ancient cultures have known this for centuries but somewhere along the way, we've forgotten or dismissed the idea that thoughts alone can change your health.  Though scientist know that everything in the universe is made up of energy, they've always been dismissive of the notion that humans can control their energy and change things, not only in their own bodies but in the universe as well.  

The one concept Dr. Dispenza just keeps pounding home throughout this book is that "Where you place your attention is where you place your energy."  I couldn't agree more and as I keep repeating this to myself, I find that I am more cognizant of my thoughts and careful of where and on what they are dwelling.  I tend to focus on the negative and after reading this book, I have been trying very hard to change that.  It's a long process but with practice, I think I will start to see big changes.

I loved this book and can't recommend it highly enough.  If you are looking for ways to change your thinking to be happier, healthier, and more creative, this is the book for you.  If you haven't read anything like this before, I would suggest picking up Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself first, then diving into this one.  

Have you read any other books in this category?  If so, let me know in the comments what you recommend I pick up next!

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